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The New "Sexual Orientation" Terminology

Commentary by: Otis Page

The term "Sexual Orientation" leaps at us as a concept, saying in essence,
we are no longer to be described as being male or female, we are described
as heterosexuals and homosexuals, two major sub-classifications of male and
female. A new terminology has evolved in the last twenty-five years to
embrace the "Sexual Orientation" concept. Terms such as "Human Sexuality," "Gay," "Lesbian," "Homophobia," "Sexual
Orientation" and the subordinate words, "Heterosexual" and "Homosexual" are
twisted in a semantic collage. These terms have become a part of our
linguistic fabric, rhetorically, legally and ecclesiastically, as a result
of an exercise in semantics by sociologists and psychologists.
Homosexuality is juxtaposed with heterosexuality as a rationale to gain
approval for homosexual conduct. Scientists, sociologists and even
theologians, our leading thinkers, have been naively swept into using these
terms! As will be explained as follows, the "Sexual Orientation" rationale
is bogus. It posses errors in logic and definition. Besides these errors,
the "Sexual Orientation" rationale undermines the basic teachings of
When inquiring into Microsoft Bookshelfıs definitions, it states
homosexuality is a "Sexual orientation to persons of the same sex." This
definition turns on itself. What is a real definition of homosexuality?
Homosexuality is the chosen conduct and behavior of men or women who have a
manifested desire for and who perform erotic sexual acts with persons of
same sex.
The psychological basis for homosexuality has no credible scientific basis,
except by explanations and rationalizations that tend to trip on
such as the "Sexual Orientation" rationale. This is the paramount issue
addressed in this document as especially considered in the context of
Scripture's teachings.

The 'logic' of "Sexual Orientation"
The "Sexual Orientation" doctrine teaches sexual behavior is explained by a
specific psychological direction of sexual interest. It is a direction of
interest ingrained in the nature and dominates the will of the individual.
The direction of sexual interest is so profound it cannot be changed by the
power of the individual's will. Consequently, the homosexualıs will is in a
sin-state that contradicts Godıs will. Scripture fully establishes this
fact. The "Sexual Orientation" thesis holds that the will is an "aspect or
quality of behavior, rather than as a separate faculty."
This implies the human will is subordinated to one's sexual orientation in
the context that, "It is the whole person who wills." This explanation
defies Scripture's and tradition's explanation of the human will juxtaposed
with Godıs as taught by Jesus Christ.
Sexual Orientation leaves to semantics what science
cannot prove and Scripture refutes.
The "Sexual Orientation" logic teaches homosexuality is not behavior. It is
not a function of willed conduct. It is an inherent part of the nature that
subordinates the will to the homosexual's orientation. To complement the
"Sexual Orientation" explanation of homosexuality, the term
"heterosexuality" has been devised to establish symmetry in the rationale.
The explanation then follows that a heterosexual's orientation is also
fixed and cannot be changed by the will so that a consistent rationale applies.
The problem with this rationalized explanation is that it obfuscates the
issue of sexual conduct and behavior by attributing to "orientation" the
responsibility for the moral decision, or moral cognizance, regarding
sexual motives and the commensurate accountability for choices and decisions made in a moral context.
Destroying Christianity's teachings on the sin of homosexuality is
implicitly embraced in the "Sexual Orientation" rationale. For that
rationale, supporters say the Scriptures were authored and shaped by
God's prophets, the apostle Paul and many revered theologians such as
Augustine. This all suggests God is a bigot, the homophobe of homophobes,
because of the condemnation of the behavioral conduct of homosexuality in

Redefining "male" and "female" to achieve sexual goals
The Sexual Orientation/Heterosexual/Homosexual semantic diverts the
from Male/Female to a Heterosexual/Homosexual comparison, which comparison
implicitly and expressly holds that homosexuality is a natural
of the homosexual "orientation". In other words, the "Sexual Orientation"
concept confuses the Male/Female teaching, obfuscating the issue of sexual
behavior and conduct even to the end of rationalizing the marriage of
same-sex partners.
Moreover, the intention of the Creator means His original intention. What
this was Jesus tells us and Jesus confirmed: "At the beginning the Creator
'made them male and female' and said, "For this reason a man will leave his
father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one
flesh." So they are no longer two, but one. Then Jesus added his personal
endorsement and deduction: "Therefore what God has joined together, let man
not separate."
In other words, God created humankind male and female; God instituted
marriage as a heterosexual union; and what God has thus united, we have no
liberty to separate. This three fold action of God established that the
context which he intended for the "one flesh" experience is heterosexual
monogamy, and that a homosexual partnership (however loving and committed
may claim to be) is "against nature" and can never be considered as a
legitimate alternative to marriage.
The "Sexual Orientation" terminology proposes to change our thinking in
regard to the created order of "male and female" as specifically taught in
Scripture. This terminology is an insidious attempt to change our view
the homosexual issue. It uses words and terms such as Gay and Lesbian
intended to confuse the truth about this historic malady, truths that have
existed and prevailed over thousands of years of time. An attempt with
semantics doesn't destroy historic truth, nor does it satisfy scientific
conclusions whose hypothesis is grounded in an accusation of historic
bigotry in the name of a new liberating theology that promises division and
schismatic repercussions in Christ's Church.

Mankind is enslaved to sexual motives
This new thinking assumes that the sexual drive is paramount and dominates
the will, whether homosexual or heterosexual. The "Sexual Orientation"
thesis means the obligation of the individual to make a moral choice is now
discarded. That mankind is truly enslaved to sexual motives, compulsions
behavior as masked by one's sexual orientation. That moral accountability
issues of sexuality is challenged if not irrevocably changed.
The "Sexual Orientation" thesis distorts the meaning of the most precious
gift of God. And that gift isn't one's sexuality. It is the freedom, aided
by the enabling Holy Spirit, to make a moral choice, to deny self, to be
of the sinful enslavement of homosexuality, to repent, to become a new
person in Christ. If this isnıt truth then Scripture is truly wrong.
The "Sexual Orientation" thesis denies that repentance is required, that
repentance is impossible in any event since homosexuality is not a sin. The
"Sexual Orientation" thesis teaches the homosexual does not have the
to repent since the will is subordinated to the behavior of the whole

Scripture's view of "Sexual Orientation"
It is important to understand that there are no verses in Holy Scripture
that support or condone the sexual practice where one may righteously use
an object of desire a person of the same sex. There are no verses in Holy
Scripture that allows a consummate sexual relationship between "loving"
companions of the same sex or a social custom where same-sex couples may
marry. Scriptureıs silence cannot be rationalized as being a tacit approval
for sinful ways.
The individual homosexual is a lost sinner like all other lost sinners. And
like all lost sinners, the homosexual cannot become a Christian by a
class approval.
The lost homosexual, like all lost sinners, must make a personal choice.
that choice involves a decision to confess and repent. It is an individual
personal choice.
Scripture condemns the "Sexual Orientation" teaching: Homosexuality is a
behavioral sin,a matter of sexual conduct. The sexes are male and female,
not heterosexual and homosexual.